Members Only is best known for their slim and sporty, colorful men's fashion jackets in the 1980s. Herb Goldsmith, founder of Members Only, copied the style of a racing jacket he found while vacationing in Munich. This style features an elastic waistband, chest pocket with logo, shoulder epaulettes and high neck with button closure. This jacket became a staple of the 1980s closet.
Although Members Only looks like something a young Donald Trump would wear, during the 1988 election, Members Only aired a highly controversial commercial with footage of Hitler in hopes to encourage people to vote, and avoid a Trump-like tragedy.
A shot from 1985 movie, the Goonies!
In the 80s, everyone had a Members Only jacket-- there were countless celebrity endorsements! Although, by the early 90s, this brand all but faded out.
Check out some awesome Members Only jackets below!